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The Ideal Office Furniture for A Business Professional

Office Specialty Used 4 Drawer Lateral File 42 Inch, Maroon

Office furniture is more than the furniture just like the flowers are not the whole garden. So, it’s also the lighting and the surroundings in the office that make the office. All of this with the right furniture pieces can play a part in boosting your productivity in your business. Think about it; you spend at least 8 hours a day, and sometimes more, in one place for most of your daylight hours. So, having boring furniture and a boring office doesn’t help to increase your work output. But having furniture which reflects your personality and the brand of your company will because you will be in the right setting.

Using color and space

Celeste by goSIT Modern Fabric Reception Chair, Ruby RedBringing color into your office with the furniture, and on your walls, can lift your mood. It can also help to relieve stress and put you in a better frame of mind. Because bright or cool colors will give a break to your eyes and help you clear your head. Rich wood furniture with bright accent colors gives a warm and homey feeling too. A chrome and glass look will give your office a more modern décor.  Additionally, interesting paintings or photos can brighten up a dull and boring area.

Another idea is to divide your office into two different areas, if you have the space. There can be an area which is more professional which would be where your desk, office chair and computer are. The other side could have two comfortable chairs; or a couch, a coffee table and elegant lighting. This can be the section where you sit and talk with clients before doing business, or even where you take a break away from your desk. Be sure the furniture is comfortable and the colors are either soothing or invigorating, depending upon your personality.

Lighting is important

Lighting is important as well. If you’re fortunate enough to have a window in your office, you can be exposed to 173% more white light. This can help you work more effectively as well as lighten your mood. If you don’t have windows, buying lighting which will brighten up your dark corners is important to relieve eye strain.

Not only that, but having plants in your office will help clean the air of impurities and bring some nature indoors. It also makes for a more welcoming atmosphere for clients who come into your office. You can place the plants by a window or display them under indirect lighting for an accent. In addition, please don’t leave any dead leaves on your plants. This looks like you don’t care and can give the wrong impression about your business. Clients aren’t going to think “Wow, they’re so busy, they don’t even have time to water the plants!” What they may think is that you don’t care, and they may wonder if you’ll care about their business.

The effect

Denmark Executive U-Shaped Desk in GrayThe overall effect you want to give is that you are a successful business professional. This should reflect not only in what you wear, but in what your office says about you. So, your office should be welcoming without being overwhelming. If your office is disorganized, then it will give the impression to your clients that you are as well too. When you combine organization with high quality furniture though, it gives your client confidence in your abilities as an entrepreneur. Your furniture should reinforce your brand as well as spell it out also. So, your furniture should fit your business brand.

If you’re a corporate office which handles computers then, your clients wouldn’t expect to see flowers and candles everywhere. Also, your office should be clean and presentable. This means no crumbs on your desk or coffee stains on your chairs. So if you have rugs on the floor, they should be vacuumed daily by maintenance or if you don’t have maintenance, then by you or someone in the office. There shouldn’t be dust anywhere or smudges either. Everything should sparkle which needs to sparkle and look sharp where it matters most.

Making the right impression on a client begins when that client walks through your office door.
