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Health in the Workplace

Your attitude towards health in the workplace is important. While you may see employee health as a good thing, it actually has tangible benefits for your business. First of all, the healthier your employees are, the less likely they are to miss work. Next, they will be happier and more productive. Your insurance costs may lower as employee health improves. When workers see that you are investing in their health and wellness, they are much more likely to feel invested in the company and their work. In the long run, the time and money you spend on employee health will benefit your company substantially.

There are a wide range of things that you can do to improve employee health in the workplace. Some are as simple as adjusting the furniture that your employees use. Ergonomic chairs are popular tools to help improve comfort and help reduce stress on the body. If someone sits in a chair that is not ergonomically designed, pressure can build up on various parts of the body. Sitting will be hard on the spine, the legs, feet, thighs and buttocks. These kinds of chairs make it much more relaxing for workers to sit and they won’t need to get up and stretch to release the pressure on their necks and spines.

goSIT New Electric 36x72 24x48 L-Shaped Lifting Table w Gray FrameErgonomic chairs are available in a wide range of fabrics and styles that can fit in with any office design. You aren’t limited to merely buying ergonomic office chairs. Other types of ergonomic chairs are available. These include meeting chairs, waiting room chairs, conference room chairs and even in raised stool styles. You can find comfortable seating for almost any situation.

You can also make employees more comfortable with adjustable height tables. How can these help in the workplace? Employees can adjust the tables to fit their body height so they won’t have to lean over or use pillows or books to reach the height of the table. This can be helpful in work groups or training sessions when you need to use multiple tables. You can find adjustable tables that are designed for training, meetings, conferences and single use.

Keyboards are another way to promote employee health in the workplace. You may not associate keyboards with worker health, but they can make a surprising difference in worker comfort. Ergonomic keyboard approaches include the keyboard itself and also the keyboard tray and mouse. Ergonomic keyboards are designed to minimized muscle strain for the typist. They are created in a variety of styles such as split, contoured, handheld, angled and other styles. Ergonomic keyboards aren’t just for people who use desktop computers. They can also be connected to laptops so that frequent users can minimize the strain on their hands.

It may take time for typists to adjust to ergonomic keyboards, but studies show that these keyboards can reduce strain and help to reduce workplace injuries such as carpal tunnel syndrome. Another benefit is that once the user gets used to the keyboard, typing speeds tend to increase. Adjustable keyboards can also be beneficial so that employees can adjust the keyboard height to fit them perfectly. This reduces stress on their arms.

Mouse accessories are available that can provide extra support to prevent wrist injuries. Palm support can help many people and gel support sets are available to further help prevent injuries and make workers more comfortable and productive.

Ergonomic mice are also available in many different styles to prevent strain on wrists which can lead to carpal tunnel syndrome. A typical mouse doesn’t fit the average user’s hand. It may not fit the person’s hand and doesn’t provide support for the hand. There are a variety of mouse pads that can also provide support and make it easier for people to move their mice and will provide additional support. Raised mouse pads can be helpful in terms of

Ergonomic furniture and accessories involve some up-front costs. It’s tempting to avoid these costs because the evidence of workplace straining isn’t immediately obvious in most cases. However, down the road, the strain of working with less-than-ideal chairs and equipment will have an effect on employees. They may develop problems like carpal tunnel syndrome and back and neck problems. This can reduce worker productivity and may result in more sick days.