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Create a Space for Guests in Your Office

Do you have frequent guests in your office? If so, it’s important that you create a comfortable, inviting space for your guests in the office, whether they are from within the company or visitors from outside. Guests need to feel welcome no matter the reason for their visit. There are things you can do to make them feel welcome including setting up your office the right way and purchasing certain types of furniture.

Marina by goSIT Modern Fabric Couch, GrayIf guests need to wait for appointments, make sure there is a comfortable area for them to rest while they are waiting. Place an adequate number of lounge chairs in the reception area. You should calculate the maximum number of visitors you could possibly have in your office at any time when you purchase chairs. Be sure to have other items to make your guests comfortable. These include tables, magazines and coat racks. Some companies have restrooms in the reception area to allow guests to freshen up. You could also offer refreshments such as coffee, tea and water for people who are waiting. If your company has a receptionist, he or she should let guests know that restrooms are available and offer refreshments. The receptionist should also let guests know that you have been notified of their arrival and will meet with them as soon as possible.

If the guest is from inside the company, you should have chairs outside of your working space for the person to wait, if necessary. No one should have to stand while they are waiting to meet with you. Give the person the opportunity to feel comfortable while you are waiting. Anytime you have a visitor, whether from inside or outside, do your best to meet with the person on time. Even though you have other obligations, it sends a bad message if you intentionally make the person wait. It’s bad etiquette, even if you outrank the person within the company. Never abuse your power by intentionally delaying a meeting.

It’s especially important that guests feel comfortable in your office as this is where they are likely to spend their time during their visit. Typically, you will meet with someone so that you can work together on a project or issue. You may need to spend time collaborating so that you can both accomplish goals together. In these situations, it’s important that you have an adequate working space.

Jersey Factory Clearance Left Return P Top U Shape Desk, MahoganyWhen you want to collaborate with a few people, a p-top desk configuration may be the best choice for you. This type of desk has an area for you to sit down and do work on your own. It also has a built-in meeting table that will accommodate a few guests. You can sit at this type of desk with your visitors and work on a project together around the table. Purchase nice chairs to go along with your desk. Make sure you have an adequate number of chairs to fit around the visitor section of the desk. The chairs should be in good shape and comfortable so that guests feel welcome.

If you have a larger working space, you may opt for a separate conference table to work on your projects. This is especially appropriate when you don’t need to use technology during the project. The conference table will put everyone on equal footing since people are not meeting at your desk. Again, it’s important that you have adequate, comfortable seating for everyone. It’s a good idea to have one more chair than you think you need just in case of an extra visitor.

There are times when people will meet with you in front of your desk. It’s important that when they sit in front of your desk, they don’t feel uncomfortable or intimidated. The best way to handle this is to ensure that they have comfortable chairs that are well-made and in good condition. The chairs should come up to the height of your desk instead of sitting low. When the chairs are low, they can make the other person feel diminished. Don’t use chairs to intimidate people. Instead, make sure that they are raised to the same height as your chair so that your visitors feel appreciated and respected.