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Adding Art to the Office

Artwork is an important part of the design of any office. Adding artwork can be a fun part of putting together a new office or revamping an older one. There are many important considerations when choosing art for the office. Obviously, your own taste is important. This is not, however, the only consideration. The appearance of your office sends a message to anyone who visits. It also affects employees’ perception of the office. That’s why you should consider several factors when choosing artwork. These include color, constraint and theming. These elements will help you find the right art for your office.

Color sends a lot of messages. Darker colors can be depressing. However, if they are blending subtly with slightly brighter colors, they can imply trustworthiness, dependability, expertise and trustworthiness. If your company deals in an industry where these qualities are valued, your colors should be in line with these messages. If your business deals with more creative or modern elements, you can make use of brighter colors and designs.

Theme is an important part of selecting artwork. Your office should have some kind of theme and the artwork should help tie it together. Some people select the artwork first and build the office theme around the art. However, this is not an option for everyone. You may have an office decor you like and want the artwork to fit in. In other cases, you may want to promote a particular theme through the artwork. If you are confused about how to do this, consider consulting an interior designer for help. Designers are knowledgeable about artwork and interiors and can help you set the right tone.

There are a variety of themes you can consider for your office. Some common themes include inspiration, professionalism and motivation. Other themes are designed to reduce stress and often include waterfronts, beaches, mountain scenes, flowers and plants. For more professional themes, you might consider still life, architecture or prints by well-known artists. If your office theme is more vibrant, there are many options. Consider vintage advertisements, music prints, famous people, abstract art and colorful prints by local artists. When your theme is motivational, you’ll have a wide variety of choices. Avoid artwork that repeats over-used motivational phrases. Instead, find pieces that approach motivation from an unusual perspective.

Consider one of the most popular types of artwork for your office. Photography can capture a wide range of themes. Black and white or color photography can be extremely effective in setting a particular mood. You can purchase prints of many famous pieces of photography. Pictures can also reflect your company’s growth and accomplishments. For example, you could regularly take pictures of your team and enlarge the pictures and post them in prominent places. Some companies take pictures of their founders and original business sites to reflect the company’s growth over the years. If your organization has offices in a variety of locations, consider posting photographs of each location. These are some great ways to use photography as artwork in the office.

Restraint is the key to finding the right artwork for your office. There are lots of attractive, brightly- colored and fun pieces of artwork available. The question is “ are they right for your office? If your business is serious and you want to send a message that you are reliable, professional and respectable, fun artwork is not the best choice for your office. You need pieces that are sedate and blend in with the furniture, wall colors and flooring. A conservative office is not the place for whimsical artwork.

If your company’s business is creative, you can select brightly colored artwork and take a more whimsical approach. Creative artwork sends the message that your company can meet the creative needs of clients. Many graphic design, software and non-traditional marketing firms use artwork to convey their unique approach to client needs. In this case, less restraint is necessary. However, it’s still important to think about the message your artwork sends. Think about the client’s perspective and make sure your artwork isn’t over the top or confusing. Above all, don’t use art that could be offensive. You may need more than one opinion to ensure that your artwork won’t send the wrong message.