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Open Space vs Cubicle Office Spaces

Steelcase Think Used Conference Chair, Green Pattern

Open spaces have become very popular in recent years. Many business consultants have recommended that companies add open spaces that foster collaboration and communication throughout the company. Open space is important and it has its advantages. However, it is not the only important part of an office. Cubicle office spaces also have their advantages within offices. The best approach is to study your company’s needs and blend them to create the ideal office space for your employees.

Morgan Laminate Desk Station, Gray and WhiteOpen spaces have become popular as companies have realized the importance of collaboration in the workplace. When workers don’t have open spaces to meet and work together, they will be less likely to share information and ideas. If this kind of sharing doesn’t happen, the company is at a disadvantage. They lose inspiration that is fostered by collaboration. Employees are isolated and don’t feel connected to one another.

In open space configurations, there are areas for groups to meet formally or informally. People can gather with their laptops and other mobile devices to work together. They can also gather casually to talk and share ideas without involving any kind of technology. Typically, open spaces are separated from private working spaces so that employees feel comfortable talking without interrupting anyone else’s work.

When employees are able to collaborate in this manner, they feel much more engaged in their work. They are more invested in the company and feel that their contributions to the company are valued. Employees tend to become more passionate about their work and the company goals if they have the opportunity to share their ideas and communicate with a variety of people throughout the workplace.

6x8 My Studio Environments by Herman Miller Used Cubicle - StandaloneWhy are cubicle office spaces important? One important reason is that they provide workers with privacy which can be hard to come by in open office spaces. Even the most outgoing and creative employees need some privacy to get their work done. Other types of jobs require a great deal of quiet and privacy so that employees can complete their tasks. Cubicles can be constructed that deter foot traffic and cut down on the number of interruptions that employees experience. This is extremely valuable because it helps workers concentrate and complete their work.

Cubicle styles can be used to designate the purposes of working spaces. When people enter a working area, the office designer may place a reception desk or a cubicle with glass panels to indicate the area that guests should approach. Fabric-paneled cubicles signal private working areas to guests and they are less likely to approach these areas and interrupt workers.

Cubicles don’t always have to be private, isolated spaces. Cubicle panels can be purchased in separate pieces and constructed in a variety of styles. Sometimes, cubicles are constructed for two people. Other times, four people may sit together in a large cubicle. This is often done when people are working together on a team. Their close proximity allows them to communicate quickly and openly without disturbing other employees.

Shorter cubicles are often used in environments like call centers. There are a number of reasons that these types of cubicles are preferred. First, it makes it easy for employees with problems to raise their hands and quickly receive help. Management can easily watch the staff for problems and intervene when necessary. Managers can also easily see which employees are at their desks and which workers aren’t in their seats. They can then check this against break and lunch schedules. Another advantage of short cubicles is that it’s easy to make announcements to the team over short cubicle walls. Brief training sessions can easily be held in a room with low cubicle walls.

Which is better “ open space or cubicle office spaces? The answer is neither. They are both important in their own way. Open spaces help foster discussion, collaboration and communication throughout the office. This is a working style that has a demonstrated positive effect in the workplace. However, it is not the only important issue for employees. They also need privacy and uninterrupted time to complete their work. Employees also need time to think and analyze problems on their own. That’s why it’s important to have cubicle spaces as well. The best approach is to combine both kinds of spaces to achieve the ideal workplace.