Cubicle Work Stations – 6×6 and 8×8

Cubicles – 6×6, 8×6 and 8×8

Workstations are known to foster office creativity because employees can see what everyone else is working on. Their lack of walls will encourage your employees to work together easily. This helps to motivate the employee who needs a little push too. So, work stations are a good choice for offices that emphasize team effort and collaboration. Modular workstations are available in various colors and styles. One is sure to fit your office needs.

Cubicles come in a variety of sizes with 6×6, 8×6 or 8×8 as some of the more popular configuartions. They give employees the privacy to complete the day’s work. A cubicle also can help your employees to stay organized and neat. A cubicle can help strike that balance among your employees where they have their own space, while not feeling isolated. Because of the high walls additionally, this helps them maintain confidentially if needed. Cubicles are an excellent option if you want your employees to have their own workspaces and still feel like a team.


An office divider is a great investment if you have a large open space in your office. With an office divider, you can separate one room into smaller rooms. The smaller rooms can be for more privacy or to create a break room. Another good point about office dividers is that they’re portable. You can set it up, use it and then take it down and store it. Office dividers are on wheels too so that they can be moved easily for convenience. Another feature of office dividers is that they can be used to close off areas that you don’t want visitors in, or to make up an area where you would like visitors to sit. You’ll find that office dividers are both versatile and easy to use.


Office partitions are an excellent choice if you want privacy for your employee workspaces. They all don’t look the same either. Some panels have a metal bottom with a frosted panel. Others have a fabric panel for pinning important papers on. Or you could go with one that is paneled with clear glass to let in light. You can also make individual work stations for your employees, or a room for private meetings and conversations. These partitions are easily installed and will give your office a professional feel.